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Colloidal Minerals/Metals

Biophysica is perhaps the only company that makes and sells generators to produce a wide variety of colloidal waters of essential minerals. Biophysica colloidal generators are capable of generating (electrically and non-chemically) many colloidal mineral/metal waters in addition to silver. With our 20 years of R&D and manufacturing of Colloidal Mineral/Metal Generators, ours are the most advanced and most versatile in the market. Only 99.99% pure metals are used in our large area electrodes.

Essential Minerals:
We make and supply 99.99% pure metal electrodes of Silver, Gold, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Tin, Copper,Titanium, Platinum, Palladium. Electrodes of Iridium and Rhodium may be available on special order. Our depleted soils have been strip-mined for 100+ years. They no longer contain the minerals your body needs, nor do commercial fertilizers. As a result, many Americans suffer mineral deficient diseases, especially of iron, magnesium and zinc.

Why Colloidal?
Colloidals are the smallest particles that matter can be divided into while still keeping its individual characteristics, without going atomic, becoming an ion and locked into an inactive sulphate, oxide, chloride or fluoride molecule. They are nanoparticles in permanent suspension because of the electrical charge, Zeta Potential, on each particle causing mutual repulsion, preventing aggregation into large ineffective particles.

Size Matters:
The smallest nanoparticles come from the largest electrodes, with the largest area, such as our 2” x 6” sheets, with area = 12 sq inches. This is why we never use wires or rods. A rod of length H= 6” of #12 gauge has a diameter of D= 0.081” (2 mm) which has a surface area of only πDH = 3x0.08x6 = 1.44 sq inches. Nanoparticle size is directly dependent on Current Density = milliamperes per square inch of area. This means that if current is too large or area too small, then the electrodes will be overdriven producing large ineffective particles and ions.

The more effective nano-particles range in size from less than 1 nanometer to 10 nanometers, which is 30-60 times smaller than the wavelength of light (300-600 nm). Consequently they cannot be seen with any light microscope and will not give a Tyndall Effect using a laser beam. If there is a colour or Tyndall, then those particles are too large to be fully effective against the small more dangerous viruses which cause neurological damage. The small size gives colloidal minerals enormous surface area, and special properties of absorption for the human or animal body, as opposed to rock and shell based minerals, which are always combined with some other radical, such as in oxides, and have no Zeta Potential charge. Dr Joel Wallach says “One teaspoon of colloidals can have a total surface area of over 127 acres”.

Electrical Charge
Because of our proprietary technology, which includes magnetic vortex, high frequencies, current control, alternating polarity, our nanoparticles have been measured to carry a very high Zeta Potential electrical charge of 60 millivolts. According to Wikipedia this potential is in the highest range to ensure excellent long-term stability

Superior absorption is another characteristic of colloids, since the finely divided colloidal particles having a large surface area exposed to interact with our cells.

According to Dr Joel Wallach ”Colloidal minerals are truly the most efficient way to get your minerals. You can absorb 98% of them. They are liquid. They have a small particle size. To give you a comparison: a red blood cell is 7 microns. A colloidal mineral particle is 0.01 micron (or less): that is 1/7000th the size of a red blood cell. Minerals move around in our bodies through our blood, and we store minerals in our cells. The small size of colloidal minerals is ideal. The electrical charge means they stay in solution or suspension- they don't settle out. They are very absorbable. Instead of having to break down bulky, compressed tablets or gelatin capsules, the body can immediately go to work using your self-made colloidal minerals. Which will not interfere with any other supplemental or therapeutic program. Instead, they assist any and all diets, medication or herbs to work faster and more efficiently”.

Dangerous viruses:
Viruses play a role in causing some cancers and may be responsible in Alzheimers, MS, Parkinsons, Diabetes, Chronic fatigue, They can be so small as to enter and infect bacteria. Even smaller, <20 nm, are the Prions which cause Mad Cow Disease. There is considerable evidence that silver nanoparticles of less than 10 nanometres may inactivate most viruses.

Excellent resource at

Iron is part of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying component of the blood. Iron-deficient people tire easily in part because their bodies are starved for oxygen. Iron is also part of myoglobin, which helps muscle cells store oxygen. Without enough iron, ATP (the fuel the body runs on) cannot be properly synthesized. As a result, some iron-deficient people become fatigued even when their hemoglobin levels are normal (i.e., when they are not anemic). Read more...

The body contains 2 to 3 g of zinc (Zn), found mainly in bones, teeth, hair, skin, liver, muscle, leukocytes, and testes. One third of the 100 µg/dL (15.3 µmol/L) of zinc found in plasma is attached loosely to albumin, and about 2/3 is firmly bound to globulins. There are > 100 zinc metalloenzymes, including a large number of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) dehydrogenases, RNA and DNA polymerases, and DNA transcription factors as well as alkaline phosphatase, superoxide dismutase, and carbonic anhydrase. Dietary intake of zinc by healthy adults varies from 6 to 15 mg/day, and absorption is about 20%. Meat, liver, eggs, and seafood (especially oysters) are good sources. The RDA is 0.2 mg/kg/day for adults. Read more...

(NaturalNews) Magnesium is an essential mineral required to perform more than 300 critical biochemical enzymatic reactions within the human body. Optimal circulating magnesium levels are well known to promote cardiovascular health. Emerging evidence published in The Journal of Neuroscience explains the importance of this mineral to promote proper electrical and neurotransmitter function in the brain. Read more...

Copper is an essential micro-nutrient, needed at 1.3 milligrams per day, according to the International Copper Association. It is needed for red blood cell formation, protein metabolism, the production of RNA, enzyme activity, hair and skin color, and the health of the nerves. Colloidal Copper has been used as a remedy for gray hair, burns, arthritis, parasites and viral and bacterial infections. Colloidal Copper has been found helpful against multi-cellular parasites such as malaria, Ring-worm, Cryptosporidium, Toxoplasma, chronic bladder infections where bacteria have formed a multi-cellular biofilm. Read more...

The consumption of Colloidal Gold is reported to be associated with the following benefits: General feeling of well-being and raised energy levels, enhancement of the body's natural defenses against illness, increased vitality and longevity, improved glandular function, Physical relaxation, repair of damaged DNA, reduced joint inflammation, relief of pain Anti-inflammatory effects, antidepressant effects especially in drug and alcohol addiction. Read more...