Tip Iceberg
Glen Dias’s only solo album, “Tip of the Iceberg”, recorded with his former band, “The Polarity Bears” is so named because of its eclecticism. Of its 12 tracks, none is like the one preceding or following any other. As one listener observed, “It’s like listening to the radio, but with the same artist on every track!”  While that may seem “counterintuitive” it is precisely what Dias was aiming for, even without being fully aware of it. He is not a songwriter, but has a knack and a keen ear for mining material that lends itself well, if not to being “covered” then to being interpreted and/or rearranged. While a variety of genres are represented on this unclassifiable recording, there are easily as many that are not. But one gets the distinct feeling that Dias is equally at home, comfortable, in whichever genre he chooses. Hence, the album’s title. In addition to its artistic merits (exceptional, consistent musicianship throughout) the sonic production on this collection (officially released in 1998, after being two years in the making) stands up extremely well to this day

Click to listen to the Rain_320
Glen's gorgeous version of Lennon amd McCartney's original.